Conference Proceedings Published


November 1, 2021

The 5-volume conference proceeding series "An End to Antisemitism!" is published with De Gruyter

November 1, 2021

The editors of "An End to Antisemitism!", Armin Lange, Kerstin Mayerhofer, Dina Porat, and Lawrence H. Schiffman, are proud to announce the complete publication of the conference proceedings in a five-volume series. All volumes have been published with De Gruyter publishers Berlin and deal with the following subjects:

Volume 1 - Comprehending and Confronting Antisemitism: A Multi-Faceted Approach
Volume 2 - Confronting Antisemitism from the Perspectives of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism
Volume 3 - Comprehending Antisemitism through the Ages: A Historical Perspective
Volume 4 - Confronting Antisemitism from Perspectives of Philosophy and Social Sciences
Volume 5 - Confronting Antisemitism in Modern Media, the Legal and Political Worlds

All volumes can be downloaded freely in open access HERE.

The other editors are especially grateful to Kerstin Mayerhofer for taking the lead in editing the proceedings. Kerstin's commitment has been unparalleled, and without Kerstin, neither the publication series nor the other outcomes of the conference would exist.