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Day 1 - Opening Ceremony of "An End to Antisemitism!"
February 18, 2018 - Vienna City Hall

Dr. Ariel Muzicant opens and chairs the official opening ceremony of "An End to Antisemitism!"

Prof. Armin Lange gives a warm welcome to all participants, attendees and guests of the conference

Rector Heinz Engl speaks about the University of Vienna's continuous work on dealing with an antisemitic past

Talya Lador-Fresher, Israeli Ambassador in Vienna, calls on the imporantance of this international conference

Dr. Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress, calls upon a joint fight agains antisemitism

Prof. Dina Porat introduces French Philosopher Bernard Henri Lévy

Keynote speaker and French philosopher Bernard Henri Lévy asks whether there really can be "An End to Antisemitism"?

Dr. Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress, presents Dr. Ruta Vanagaite with the Annual Prize of the European Jewish Congress

Day 2
February 19, 2018 - University Campus Vienna

Rabbi Arie Folger welcomes all participants and attendees to the first official day of the conference

Maxine Grossman and Armin Lange speak about "Jews and Judaism between Bedevilment and Source of Salvation: Christianity as a Cause of and a Cure against Anti-Semitism"

Esther Webman holds a plenary talk on "Redeeming Humanity from the Evil of the Jews – Islamist Rationalization of Antisemitism"

Lawrence Schiffman speakes about "Scrolls, Testament and Talmud: Issues of Anti-Semitism in the Study of Ancient Judaism"

Monika Schwarz-Friesel analyzes "Online Hate and Antisemitism 2.0: The Spreading of Judeophobia on the World Wide Web"

Dina Porat chairs the early morning session

Ariel Muzicant introduces Chairman Natan Sharansky and Katharina von Schnurbein

Natan Sharansky focuses on the importance of the cooperation of Israel and Jewish communities in the fight against antisemitic criticism against Israel

Katharina von Schnurbein opposes the common thought that today's biggest threat is Muslim antisemitism

Raya Kalenova introduces academics and experts to the work of the EJC in the field of advocacy

Archbishop Pizzaballa, Rabbi Skorka, Bishop Bünker and Imam Chalghoumi (left to right) join together in the Round Table Discussion "Antisemitism and the Abrahamitic Religions"

Chief Kantor Shmuel Barzilai gives an impressive musical performance

Day 3
February 20, 2018 - University Campus Vienna

Armin Lange opens the third day of the conference

Erich Gruen speaks about "Modern Debates on Ancient Anti-Semitism"

Simha Goldin defines "“Anti-Judaism”, “Jew-Hatred” and “Anti-Semitism”"

Klaus Davidowicz analyzes "Propaganda as Entertainment - The Challenge of Nazi Propaganda Movies for Today"

Mark Weitzman presents the "Working Definition of Antisemitsm"

Dina Porat talks about the "Working Definition of Antisemitism"

Claudia Theune-Vogt welcomes Christian Kern, Andrew Baker and Ioannis Dimitrakopoulos to the conference

Christian Kern calls on the importance of rememberance

Andrew Baker presents OSCE's measures to fight antisemitism

Ioannis Dimitrakopoulos holds a Leadership Talk

The confernce organizers release an offical statement opposing Poland's amendment of the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance

Day 4
February 21, 2018 - University Campus Vienna

Lawrence Schiffman chairs the morning session of Day 4

Thomas Gertzen talks about "The Role of Paul de Lagarde and his ‘Germanic Ideology’ in the History of Egyptology"

Eliezer Ben-Rafael gives "A Sociological Perspective on Today Anti-Semitism and Strategies of Confrontation"

Florette Cohen introduces the audience to "The Psychology of Modern Anti-Semitism: Theory, Research and Methodology"

Martin Rothgangel speaks about "Combatting Anti-Semitism. An Interdisciplinary Approach"

Evyatar Friesel talks about "Jews against Israel: The ambivalences of contemporary Jewish identity"

Oskar Deutsch introduces Heinz Fassmann

Ana Luiza Thompson Flores speaks about the UNESCO

Heinz Fassmann talks about the future role of education in the fight against antisemitism

Heinz Fassmann takes questions from the audience
Day 5
February 22, 2018 - University Campus Vienna

Klaus Davidowicz chairs the morning session of Day 5

Frank Stern talks about "Contemporary Visual Antisemitism: Words Fade But Images Remain"

Irwin Cotler holds the concluding Leadership Talk

Stephan Grigat talks about "The fight against antisemitism and the Iranian threat: challenges & contradictions in the light of Adorno’s categorical imperative"

Maxine Grossman and Stephan Grigat discuss measures to combat antisemitism

All panel chairs join together for a concluding discussion

Mark Weitzman takes questions from the audience

Wolfgang Wieshaider chairs the concluding discussion

Aleksandra Glizczynska-Grabias presents the policies to fight antisemitism from her panel on Jurisprudence

Monika Schwarz-Friesel draws conclusions from her panel on Internet and Antisemitism

Calev Myers answers questions from the audience

Michael Whine asks the question: "Combating antisemitism through international action: how effective has it been?"

In her talk, Vivian Liska returns to “The Phantasm of the Jew in French Philosophy: From Jean-Paul Sartre to Alain Badiou”

Florian Markl talks about "„Israel threatens to defend herself“: The Depiction of Israel in the Media"

Bernard M. Levinson talks about "The Impact of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Discovery of the “Original” Version of the Ten Commandments upon Biblical Scholarship: The Myth of Jewish Particularism and German Universalism"

Günther Jikeli presents an "Evaluation of Best Practices to Combat Antisemitism on Social Media"

Wolfgang Bock talks about "Public International Law and the Palestinian Knot"

Youval Rotman talks about "Anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim views in early Byzantium"

Eileen Schuller reads Paula Fredriksen's paper on "The Invention of ‘Religion’ in the Codex Theodosianus Book 16"

Jeremy Jones and Alan Silberstein take questions from the audience

Dina Porat presents the concluding statement of the conference
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