European Jewish Congress
European Jewish Congress
Dr. Moshe Kantor / Dr. Ariel Muzicant
Office Brussels
Phone: +32-2-540-81-59
New York University
Global Network for Advanced Research in Jewish Studies
Lawrence H. Schiffman
New York University
53 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
Phone: 212-998-8980
Tel Aviv University
Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary Jewry
Dina Porat
Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv
Tel Aviv 69978 Israel
Phone: +972-5403872
University of Vienna
Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies
Institute for Jewish Studies
Klaus Davidowicz and Armin Lange
Spitalgasse 2/Court 7.3
A-1090 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-4277-43319
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